Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Very fast reacting two component polyurethane injection system. For sealing and reinforcing in water-bearing zones, especially in the case of pressurized water at temperatures below 15 °C .
– sealing rock masses and dams against water outflows.
– stabilization and strengthening of loosened and cracked water-saturated rock masses with temperatures below 15 °C .
– strengthening of foundations.
Two-component, very fast-reacting polyurethane resin with excellent physical and chemical properties. It is widely used for sealing and reinforcing water-bearing zones, mainly in the case of high water pressure at temperatures below 15 °C. It is widely used in the repair of loosened, cracked and uplifted mountain areas (rock masses), their sealing and consolidation. It is also used in construction for the repair of water-logged structures of tunnels, shafts and sewage systems. It also works well in works related to sealing sewage wells, point leaks, construction breaks and diaphragm walls.
The final product used for repairs is created by mixing two resins - Geopur 2K A and Geopur 2K B. As a result of adding the appropriate proportions of component A and component B, a very fast chemical reaction occurs, both in a dry and humid environment. Before direct use, component A of the resin should be thoroughly mixed in a 1:1 ratio. The final product is injected into the crack using a two-component injection pump . In contact with water, the resin foams and then hardens, creating a very strong and durable protective barrier in the form of a waterproof membrane that prevents water leakage.
The resin is not resistant to temperature and humidity and should therefore be stored in specially prepared places, where the temperature is around 10-35 °C.
The product is sold in tightly closed metal containers (30 kg of Geopur 2K A resin and 35 kg of Geopur 2K B resin). All precautions must be taken, as the resin releases fumes that adversely affect human health.
Geopur 2K resin is one of Cover Technologies ' flagship products . It is widely used in:
repair and stabilization of loose, cracked rock formations, especially hydrated ones with temperatures below 15 ° C,
sealing the rock mass, soil and dams against negative dynamic water leaks,
consolidation of wet and loose rock mass,
repair and simultaneous sealing of irrigated structures of shafts, tunnels, sewage systems and masonry structures,
strengthening foundations,
other special applications, such as
the product is perfect for use in deep injections ,
after binding both components, a structure in the form of hard "amber" is created, which has a very high compressive strength and effectively stops water leakage,
through contact with water it increases its volume to form a hard and stiff foam with closed pores,
works instantly – seals immediately ,
the resin is very chemically stable,
penetrates very well into gaps wider than 0.1 mm
Only 1 working day is needed to permanently harden the repaired structure,
resin is not subject to the international agreement on the transport of dangerous goods ADR,
easy and quick mixing of both resin components in a 1:1 ratio,
good physical and chemical properties,
very fast response, in both dry and wet environments.

European Tech
+971 588 196 687​​​​​​​
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